Enhancing monitoring and transboundary collaboration for conserving migratory species under global change: The priority case of the red kite (Mattson et al., 2022)
Calls for urgent action to conserve biodiversity under global change are increasing, with migratory species conservation presenting particular challenges. Over the last two decades, the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) has supported action plans for migratory birds, but their effectiveness and transferability remain unclear. While such policies have led to positive outcomes, international coordination and on-the-ground implementation face significant challenges. Research on migratory populations has grown, but less focus has been placed on integrating ecological data across the annual cycle to develop effective conservation strategies for migratory species amidst global change. This case study examines the red kite (Milvus milvus), a migratory raptor and facultative scavenger with a breeding range limited to Europe, associated with agricultural landscapes. Although conservation actions have successfully recovered red kite populations in some regions, populations remain depleted along the southern edge of their range, where many migratory red kites from northern regions overwinter. We propose an integrated conservation strategy that emphasizes international coordination among researchers and practitioners to improve the science-policy-action interface. Key issues identified for red kite conservation include enhancing actions within and outside protected areas, recovering depleted populations, considering climate change, and ensuring transboundary coordination for adaptive management. This strategy can be adapted for conserving other highly mobile species impacted by global change.